Welcome to My Nerditorium

Thoughts on coding, gaming, and nerdy media.

The Land of 10,000 Links #38


7 Things Developers Should Know About SQL Server

A Letter from the Editor

Vim After 11 Years


asm.js: A Low Level, Highly Optimizable Subset of JavaScript for Compilers

Twitter open-sources Typeahead.js, a jQuery auto-complete plugin

Stayin’ Up Late

Designing and Implementing Hypermedia APIs – Part Two

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

George Reese on Enterprise Cloud Strategy, Trends, and API Design

Caught in a .NET

How To Contribute to ASPNET Yourself

The Debugger Must Be Broken!

.NET Framework Documentation Improvements

Trust and NuGet

Testing Without Interfaces

Videos on Web Publish updates in ASP.NET 2012.2

Paging with ASP.NET Web API OData

Rubyx Cube

Rails and concurrent request handling

Heroku promises users routing performance improvements

Eloquent Ruby – The Basics

Software Craftineering

We are Principled: 1st Edition

Principles Are Timeless, Best Practices Are Fads

The Great and Powerful OS

Apple fixes iOS 6.1 bug that hit Microsoft Exchange users

Microsoft’s Windows Blue may have just hit milestone 1

Microsoft Windows Azure Ousts Amazon S3 As Top Performer In Nasuni’s Stress Tests Of Cloud Storage
