Welcome to My Nerditorium

Thoughts on coding, gaming, and nerdy media.

The Land of 10,000 Links #50 - FIN?

Rubyx Cube

Rails + Ember.js

Ruby 2.0 Rails 4.0

Discourse: How Can We Speed up Our Test Suite?

Caught in a .NET

Noda Time

Introducing the Resharper 8 EAP

Use Git to run scheduled builds and resolve conflicts

A scriptcs plug-in for Sublime Text


EmberJS Confuses Me

Letters from the Editor

Single-Session Development

Software Craftineering

The Pragmatics of TDD

When Should You Test?

The Great and Powerful OS

Microsoft to update its core Windows 8 apps well before ‘Blue’


Is there anybody out there? I’ve posted 50 of these things without much community interaction (comments, re-tweets, etc…). I’m considering ditching this series, so let me know if you think I should keep it up.
