Welcome to My Nerditorium

Thoughts on coding, gaming, and nerdy media.

The Land of 10,000 Links 12

Caught in a .NET

The Dispose Pattern as an anti-pattern

Using Razor engine together with Asp.Net Web API to create a Hypermedia API

Design-time generation of help page (or client) for ASP.NET Web API


The (Odd) State of Node.js and its Frameworks

Software Craftineering

Static Typing: Give me a break!

Refactoring is Sloppy

Too Lazy To Refactor?

Programmer Interrupted

Hardware Wars

The impending crisis that is Windows XP and IE 8

Ubuntu Phone Looks like the future of Computing

Rollin’ 20s

Concept Art for D&D vNext

Game over, man!

Atari U.S. operation files for bankruptcy

Hyper Media

Eleven Time Lords to feature in 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode
