Welcome to My Nerditorium

Thoughts on coding, gaming, and nerdy media.

The Land of 10,000 Links #48

Caught in a .NET

Data Points – Playing with the EF6 Alpha

Careers Localization, part 1: Why Roll Our Own?
Here are parts 2 and 3

Team Foundation Service updates – Mar 4

Monads, part four

Rubyx Cube

Dynamic Method Definitions


How to manage the back button with JavaScript

Software Craftineering

Test Better

The Great and Powerful OS

Five reasons why Windows 8 has failed

Memo to Microsoft – If you want Windows 8 to succeed, among other things, get apps in the store that people want

Losing patience with Windows Phone

Hyper Media

Thirty Albums Turning Thirty This Year

An update on TweetDeck

Game over, man!

Analyzing Wing Commander
