Welcome to My Nerditorium

Thoughts on coding, gaming, and nerdy media.

The Land of 10,000 Links #85


What’s wrong with JavaScript


Windows Azure: Major Updates for Mobile Backend Development

Securing ASP.NET Web API (NDC Oslo 2013)

Software Craftsmanship and Engineering

How To Derail Your Readers And Students

A Process for Learning a New Codebase

How Netflix Deploys Code


… I keep reading all of the Hypermedia stuff because I want there to be that example. I want to understand it better. All of it is a lot of telling and not a lot of showing. …if you are out there and you care about about Hypermedia, stop telling people how great it is and start showing them. Traffic and Weather Podcast #6

Linking and Resource Expansion: REST API Tips

Building a Tested, Documented and Versioned JSON API Using Rails 4


The Secret(s) to OpenStack’s Overnight Success

Software Craftsmanship

What is a Craftsman

Lessons Learned from 8 Months at Microsoft

Working at Microsoft

The Great and Powerful OS

WWDC 2013 – Everthing You Need to Know

Video Games

DICE developing new Star Wars Battlefront game

E3 2013: Cops Called to Shut Down Ouya

Anonymous Xbox engineer explains DRM and Microsoft’s Xbox One intentions
