Welcome to My Nerditorium

Thoughts on coding, gaming, and nerdy media.

The Land of 10,000 Links #95


InRelease Acquisition is complete

Known issues for Visual Studio 2013 Preview

RIA Services is Getting Open-Sourced

Getting Started With OWIN, Katana, and VS2013


Required JavaScript Reading


Go Slices And The Case Of The Missing Memory


Try Elixir


On Git’s Shortcomings

Git for the Masses

Usefull Github Patterns

Software Engineering / Craftsmanship

Performance Measurements Pitfalls

12 Lessons I learned using unit tests/TDD

Popular Code Convations Gleened from Github

Lessons from the first millionaire online teacher

How to Work Remotely and Still Be the Best

How ASCII Lost and Unicode Won


Welcoming Dropbox Datastore

Recap of Cloud Announcements at BUILD and WPC 2013

Is there more to using SQL in Azure than redirecting your connection string?


Lightning Memory-Mapped Database

Reviewing Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Library: Partial
